US accessibility law in schools

In the United States, several pieces of legislation aim to protect the rights of students with disabilities and ensure appropriate accommodations in schools. Knowing your rights is important. Keep reading to learn about the various rules and standards that protect accessible, equitable education in the US and where to access support.
US Disability Law

Welcome to our educational series about the Accessible Canada Act, a federal regulation which aims to enforce and improve accessibility and inclusion nationwide.
Accessible Canada Act

Welcome to our educational series about the Accessible Canada Act, a federal regulation which aims to enforce and improve accessibility and inclusion nationwide.

Hemiparesis is a neurological motor impairment where the muscles on one side of the body are weaker than on the other. Want to learn more? Check out this article!
Robotic resistance

There’s some exciting news from research that suggests a way to help children with CP!
Humans Walk Weird

You may not realize it, but humans have a weird way of walking. Curious to learn more? Check out this article!
Interview with Agilik Clinical Study Participant NB

NB was an NIH trial participant. She walked with the Agilik for 10 sessions. We asked her about her experience and here is she said:
BPI: Do you think using the Agilik was helpful?
NB: Using the Agilik increased the mobility in my legs. I was able to bend my knees more, have a slightly longer stride in my step, walk a little faster, and even stand a little taller.
That’s what we like to hear! The Agilik helping people Stand Taller and Walk Stronger.
About Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) covers a group of disorders that affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. It’s the most diagnosed childhood motor disability in the United States and Canada. About 10,000 American babies are born annually with CP, while each year 1,200-1,500 school-aged children are diagnosed with the disorder.
About Spina Bifida

There are nearly 1,500 American babies born each year with the spinal birth defect spina bifida. Most of them have trouble moving and face disabilities ranging from mild to severe.
Crouch Gait: Causes, Issues, Treatments

Crouch gait, the abnormal walking pattern often seen in children with cerebral palsy and other knee-extension-deficiency disorders, is not only painful but can often lead to worse issues as a child ages—bony deformities, degenerative arthritis, joint abnormalities. It’s best, then, to treat it early.